Data Curve Fit Creator Add-in
"Curve fitting, forecasting and more... for Microsoft Excel!"
Curve fitting and data analysis functions for Excel
Polynomials, splines, flexible fits, data smoothing, and more...
Simple to use, but powerful...
Enables better data analysis in less time...
Fully functional 30 day trial
The easiest way to do curve fitting, forecasting, and data smoothing in Microsoft Excel...
Data Curve Fit Creator Add-in is an easy-to-use data analysis add-in for Microsoft Excel. It adds curve fitting, interpolation, and data smoothing functions to Excel. These functions work just like standard Excel functions, so they are simple to use. Curve fitting functions include polynomial fits and a versatile local regression (loess) function. Interpolations include linear, cubic spline, Bessel and monotonic splines, as well as a 'flexible spline' that allows you to specify the slope at each data point. Data smoothing functions include moving average, median filter, and a Gaussian smoothing filter. Automatic sorting and data repair functions are also included. The software comes with full help documentation and an example workbook that demonstrates each function.
Microsoft Excel Versions Supported - Excel for Office 365 is supported, as well as versions from 2007 to the present (both 32 bit and 64 bit versions).
Other Requirements - .NET Framework 4.8 (now part of Windows 10+ Operating System)
Frequently Asked Questions
(1) I just purchased Data Curve Fit Creator Add-in. Where can I download the non-trial version?
There is no 'non-trial' version. When you purchase Data Curve Fit Creator Ad-in then you are immediately given a registration code (and a copy of the registration code is also sent to your email). Click on the 'Registration' button on the 'Data Curve Fit Creator' ribbon menu, and then enter the registration code there. After the registration code is accepted, then you won't see anymore 'trial' software messages.
(2) How do I install Data Curve Fit Creator Add-in?
Download and run (double click) the 'setup_dcfca.exe' file to install Data Curve Fit Creator Add-in. This will copy the add-in file ('data_curve_fit_creator.xlam') and related support files (help file, demo workbook, etc.) to a new 'Data Curve Fit Creator Add-in' folder in your program files folder on your hard drive. By default, at the end of the install it should also enable the add-in with Excel. You should then be able to use all of the Data Curve Fit Creator Add-in's functions the next time you start Excel.
After the install, you can enable or disable the add-in via the 'ManageDCFCAddin.exe' utility (located in the 'Data Curve Fit Creator' folder in 'Program Files'), or manually via Excel's standard add-in menu.
To allow Data Curve Fit Creator Add-in to run properly, you need to have your security settings set to trust documents from SRS1 Software, LLC. All Excel files in Data Curve Fit Creator Add-in are digitally signed by SRS1 Software, LLC. When opening any of the workbooks, if you receive a security warning from Excel, then you need to select the option to always trust documents from this publisher (SRS1 Software, LLC).
(3) How do I uninstall Data Curve Fit Creator Add-in?
There are two types of uninstalls that you can do for Data Curve Fit Creator Add-in. For a temporary uninstall, you can simply disable the add-in in Excel. This means that Data Curve Fit Creator won't be loaded by Excel. You can do this via the 'ManageDCFCAddin.exe' utility (located in the 'Data Curve Fit Creator' folder in 'Program Files'), or manually via Excel's standard add-in menu. This type of uninstall doesn't remove any files and allows you to re-enable the add-in any time.
For a full uninstall, go to your PC's Add/Remove Programs Window from Windows Settings. From there you can select to uninstall Data Curve Fit Creator Add-in. This will remove the Data Curve Fit Creator Add-in files from your hard drive, as well as unregister the add-in.
(4) How do I set my Excel security settings to allow Data Curve Fit Creator Add-in to run?
Security is an important issue. Later versions of Microsoft Excel contain more thorough security checks. The Data Curve Fit Creator Add-in and supporting workbooks are digitally signed by SRS1 Software, LLC. This identifies SRS1 Software, LLC as the source of the documents and checks that the documents have not been altered.
Normally, when Excel encounters a workbook or add-in that contains macros (automation) then it doesn't allow the macros to run unless the user specifically allows it. For an add-in, it would be very inconvenient for Excel to prompt you every time it opens. In order for Excel to allow the Data Curve Fit Creator add-in and demo files to work without prompting you, you must have your security setting setup so that SRS1 Software, LLC documents are allowed to run. The first time that you open any of the Data Curve Fit Creator workbooks, you probably will be prompted with a security options dialog which gives you the following options:
- Allow all documents from this publisher to run
- Allow only this document to run
- Do not allow this document to run
You should select the first option, to allow all SRS1 Software, LLC documents to run. Excel identifies SRS1 Software, LLC documents by the digital signature that is attached to the documents. Once you have selected this option, then all Data Curve Fit Creator documents should run fine.
Do NOT turn off or lower your overall Excel security settings in order for Data Curve Fit Creator to run. All our documents are digitally signed so that Excel can identify them and let them run WITHOUT you having to turn down your Excel security settings.
(5) Where can I see a list of all the Data Curve Fit Creator functions in Excel?
All the new functions that Data Curve Fit Creator Add-in adds to Excel are listed under the custom 'DataCurveFitCreator' category in Excel Function Wizard.
(6) If I use Data Curve Fit Creator Add-in functions on my workbook, then save the workbook and send it to someone else, will the functions still work when they open the workbook?
The Data Curve Fit Creator Add-in functions are stored in the file named 'Data_Curve_Fit_Creator.xlam', which is in on your computer. The functions are not attached to the workbook where they are used. If you are sending someone a workbook that uses Data Curve Fit Creator functions then they need to purchase and have Data Curve Fit Creator installed on their machine.